Watch Tower Society publications teach that Jesus Christ returned invisibly and began to rule in heaven as king in October 1914
But I truly doubt that anybody is given the exact day, as Jesus said that nobody, not the angels, nor he himself, know the day and the hour of his return to earth.
Let me explain some of the ideas behind all this commotion.
Why are people of religious convictions, and especially those who are inspired by the New Testament, so eager about this thing: THE END OF THE WORLD, and the RAPTURE?
Many christians have invested most of their time and energy, digging into all kinds of prophecies, trying to discover more details about the last days, and the return of Jesus.
Sadly, some of them become so obsessed with this, that they seem to forget the last commandment of Christ: Go you out into all the world, preach this gospel to all ethnic groups, baptize them in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the commandments of Jesus.
Instead, they bury themselves into large amounts of ideas and details, while their neighbours never get to know the simple truth about how to get saved through belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
They may even be so obsessed about the return of christ, that they do not realize that they themselves need to be prepared for something much more sure and imminent (probably) than the rapture and the second coming: They are about to die, any time, any day. Are we ready for THAT time and day?
ESCATOLOGY: the doctrines concerning the last days and the return of Christ
If you believe in Jesus, as he is presented in the New Testament, he left his disciples by flying up into the clouds, while they were watching him disappear in the air. Then some angels told them that this same Jesus will return some day, and set his feet on the Mount of Olives.
According to multiple sources withing the Bible, from both the Old Testament and the New, yes very much directly from Jesus himself also, it is a clearly stated doctrine, that he, the Messiah, will return to earth some day.
Then he will judge the people on the earth, and establish a Millenial Kingdom that will rule all Nations from Jerusalem. He will divide the people into 2 groups: the sheep to the right, and the goats to the left. He will bless the sheep, who were of a good nature, doing good towards poor, sick and suffering fellow humans. And he will curse those on the left, the goats, and blast them for never helping anybody who were suffering. He will then send them off into hell fire.
He will at his coming in the clouds be seen by all people on the earth. And riding a white horse, with a sword going forth from his mouth, he will make war against the armies of the antichrist, and throw the beast and the false prophet alive into the flames of hell.
Then he will bind the devil himself in chains, and throw him into a deep abyss, where he will be kept as a prisoner for a thousand years. Thus, the earth will become a great place of peace and prosperity, and the martyrs of christ will reign as kings over the earth, each one of them given specific areas to rule over.
This is a fundamental teaching of most christians through history, and is found in the great confessions of faith that they utter every sunday service.
THE RAPTURE: pre trib, mid trib or post trib?
There is a more obscure scenario, that is not so much discussed and preached within the traditional churches: The Rapture!
Oh yes, Jesus talked about it all right! He said that on that day, the angels will gather the true believers from all directions of the heavens, and bring them to him and meet him in the heaven.
There is however a controvery among christians nowadays wether this heaven means the physical atmosphere that we can all observe, or if it means that they are going to be taken to paradise for an extended time, maybe 7 or 3,5 years, while God will punish the earth, and leave it into the hands of the devil and the beast. The traditional understanding is that they will meet Jesus in the physical atmosphere, join him there with his angelic armies, and then attack the earth and free it from satans rule of terror. That is why they all needed to have a physical body, of course also the dead, as they now will dominate the physical world.
The later doctrine, originating from some visions and dreams back in the 18 hundreds, mainly published and preached by a certain Darby;
John Nelson Darby was an Anglo-Irish Bible teacher, one of the influential figures among the original Plymouth Brethren and the founder of the Exclusive Brethren. He is considered to be the father of modern Dispensationalism and Futurism.
Born: 18 November 1800, City of Westminster, London, United Kingdom
Died: 29 April 1882, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Nationality: British
but also of a charismatic lady, named Margaret MacDonald:
Margaret MacDonald was born in 1815 in Port Glasgow, Scotland and died around 1840. She lived with her two older brothers, James and George, both of whom ran a shipping business. Beginning in 1826 and through 1829, a few preachers in Scotland emphasized that the world's problems could only be addressed through an outbreak of supernatural gifts from the Holy Spirit...
Read more about it here:
The following tale is well know to most bible readers:
There will be 2 people sleeping in a bed. 1 will be taken away, while the other remains, not found worthy. 2 women will work side by side crushing some grains into flour. 1 of them will be taken away, the other remains, not found worthy. etc.
You can read about it in Matthew chapter 24 and in other passages in the Gospels.
Now Paul, the Apostle, revealed more details about this event. He said that at the last trumpet, God will in a twinkle of an eye raise all those who died as real born again christians, so they will have a new glorious physical body, like Jesus himself got it after his resurrection on the third day.
Then those true believers who are still alive, will have their bodies transformed into glorious bodies. After this, they will all be lifted up and away from the earth, to meet Jesus in the skies.
Let us first read from 1. Chorintians chapter 15, from verse 51:
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
53For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
55O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
56The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
57But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us then read from 1. Thess.chapter 4:
Jesus spoke about a great tribulation that will hit the earth, the greatest trial in all history of humans (obviously since the great Flood). And while christians during most of church history have understood that all people, including themselves, will go through this terrible trial, the newer doctrine originating from Darby, claims that the true christians will be raptured off from this earth BEFORE the tribulation starts.
When asked who are those martyrs described in the book of Revelation (the last book in the bible, a MUST READ!), the answer is that those are people who took to the faith AFTER they saw the rapture. Also, people claim that those believers are newly converted JEWS.
They say that God would never allow his precious Bride, the Church, to suffer the trials in the great tribulation. Also, some claim, that the antichrist can not really take world dominion while the holy spirit is present in true believers here, so therefore they are blocking satan with their presence. But they will be taken away in the rapture, and then the way is open for satan to really take over this place.
Both pre trib and post trib groups point to 2. Thessalonians chapter 2 to defend their views.
I will strongly recommend you to read the whole chapter for your self, repeatedly, but from the King James version of the bible. One very important thing here is the expression: the day of the Lord, versus the day of Christ.
In the textus receptus greek manuscripts, it reads "the day of christ", while in some other manuscripts is reads "the day of the Lord" in stead.
Some pre trib teachers base a lot of their doctrines on the late, and falsified, modern greek texts, in stead of trusting on the historically best greek manuscripts.
The NIV bible says, in verse 2:
2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come.
Here is the full chapter, straight out of the KJV:
5Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
14Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
17Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.
It is quite evident that Paul is not speaking for both pre trib and post trib views here.
He warns against deception, and then points out very clearly what must happen BEFORE THE DAY OF CHRIST.
But if you read the NIV and similar versions that do NOT respect and follow TR, you may find a way to explain it all in a very different way, by emphasizing on the Day of the Lord.
This shows how important it is to have a correct greek underlying text, because even if you are a Greek scholar, and read the Bible directly form Greek, you must KNOW what is trustworthy and NOT. You must know that most modern professors and theological litterature is based on unbelief, on the shifting sands of liberal theology.
There are basically 2 understandings about this rapture happening as a separate rapture from that described by Jesus in the gospels. Some teach a PRE TRIB RAPTURE, while others claim the first rapture will happen in the middle of the 7 years reign of the antichrist, 3,5 years into his reign. They say that in those first 3,5 years he will fool the world into believeing that he is truly a man of peace, yes, even christ himself. But once the true believers are gone in the rapture, he will truly start to reveal himself as the son of the devil.
Now, the traditional thinking about the whole thing, is that all christians will be living through this tribulation, and so many of them will be executed because of their faith and testimony of Jesus. Than, when Jesus return, there will the the one and only rapture. This is the Day of Christ, and when they are safe in the clouds, with physcal bodies, so they are ready to resettle on a physical world, the Day of the LORD will commence. We do not know exactly how long this day will be, but this is the time when God will be able to flood the earth with His wrath, as his chosen ones are already safe (just like Noa and his family: Once they and the animals were safe inside the Ark, God flooded the Earth).
The Bible tells us that Jesus will return to this earth, destroy the armies of the antichrist with flames of wrath, etc. And obviously there will still be people living on this earth. That is: People who were NOT born again, who were not raptured.
Those who were raptured, were the true believers, and according to the gospel of Christ, they will not be judged at this occasion. Fact is that they have already been saved through faith in Jesus, by grace. They will not be judged based on their good deeds, only by grace, by faith.
Then after the 1000 years of Messianic world wide reign, God will make the final judgment, after this earth has passed away. Then there will be a new heaven, a new earth. A new Jerusalem, described in many places in the Bible, but most clearly in the Book of Revelation.
Historical events pointing to the End: Charismatic outpouring, Israel, 7 thousand years week etc
Matthew 24:14
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”